Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memorial Day Closure Announcement

We will be closed Saturday May 29th and Monday May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

Please remember those whom have died protecting us.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strength and Conditioning Classes

We will begin the strength and conditioning program on Monday May 17. Classes on May 17 will be free for all who attend!! We will no longer offer free classes to first time clients after this date.

The classes will be $10 each and there will be no contracts for your convenience. The classes will be scheduled for 7-7:35pm and 7:35-8:10pm.

Adults MMA will begin at 8:10pm.

Website issue and IE8

If you run Internet Explorer 8 you will probably find that our website is not working. Our web-page software is not being read by this version. If you have a prior version you will not have this problem. We are working on this and the issue should be resolved soon.