Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We will be closed Wednesday 11/25 and Saturday 11/28 due to the Thanksgiving Holliday.

We wish you and your families a happy healthy holliday!!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NAGA Results

Congratulations to all of our fighters that competed on the 14th. Krista won the silver in her division, and Dani won the bronze. Jenn, Brian, and Jordan put out great efforts as well.

We thank you guys for representing the school so well!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

NAGA this weekend!!

We have a couple of teammates entering the NAGA grappling event on Saturday November 14, and Sunday November 15. Please come down in a school t-shirt and support your teammates!

Click on the title to access their website for more information.